Chalazion Surgery

Chalazion surgery
Traditionally, surgery chalazion through surgical removal has a much higher success rate in treating chronic injuries conservative treatment.


Chalazion surgery is a quick virtually painless procedure takes less than 15 minutes under local anesthesia. The trick for surgery chalazion is trying to eliminate all the cyst wall of the nodule. Usually, the eye is patched for a couple of hours so patients should not drive home.
Here are the steps chalazion surgery:

The eyelid is turned inside out and held it to expose its underside.
Chalazia identified.
An incision on the surface of the chalazion ago.
Free Chalazia is cut and removed.
The eye is bandaged.
Recovery after surgery takes about a week chalazion.

After surgery chalazion, one usually has to keep up warm compresses to complete the process of emptying out. You may need antibiotics topically as drops or ointment. The patient applies lukewarm (not hot) compresses to the eye to relieve discomfort for 10 to 15 minutes at a time several times a day for 2 days after surgery chalazion. He will use clean cloths and discard them after use. Also, driving two days after returning home will resume.
the patient after surgery chalazion is instructed to return to the doctor if the pain, swelling, redness, drainage, or bleeding increases in the surgical area or if you develop signs of infection: headache, muscle aches, dizziness or a feeling of malaise and fever, or if your vision changes.

Many cases tend to recur even after surgery chalazion. If a chalazion recurs in the same place, your ophthalmologist may suggest a biopsy to rule out more serious problem.Chalazion is essentially a non-cancerous benign enlargement in nature.

In one study, histopathological examination, during surgery chalazion, three patients with recurrent chalazion showed sebaceous carcinoma cells in squamous cell carcinoma and two in one. The outcome was favorable, but it is no longer possible to conduct histopathological examination of tissue after each surgery chalazion, is mandatory in cases of recurrent chalazion to have an early diagnosis for better management of life-threatening tumors.

Disease progression of a chalazion leads to granuloma pain that can cause cosmetic disfigurement. This is another reason for recommending surgery chalazion.

Although chalazion surgery is a simple procedure, there are still studies that tend to simplifié it. One such study offers an alternative to local anesthetic by injection: 2% lidocaine gel is effective in surgery chalazia especially in reducing pain caused by the administration of anesthesia. The study was conducted in two groups, one being administered 2% lidocaine injection and the other 1.5 ml lidocaine 2% topical gel. Then the standard incision and curettage are performed. The primary outcome of interest was the total of pain experienced during the entire procedure, including anesthesia and incision and curettage (steps chalazion surgery).

Another study looked thermal cautery after chalazion surgery and its effect on recurrence rates. The results of this clinical study suggests that the use of thermal cautery surgery chalazion has no impact on the rate of recurrence of internal chalazion and therefore, the use of thermal cautery should be left to the discretion of the eye care professional.

Chalazion surgery is less common surgical procedure used to treat ophthalmic chalazion after conservative measures have failed. Complications are rare and usually easily managed with minimal morbidity. But in some rare cases it can cause severe complications, but not particularly related to surgery chalazion. A case of postoperative hemorrhage complicating chalazion surgery delay was described in an article that presents an atypical case of an old woman with a history of hypertension who suffered a sudden profuse bleeding 10 days after surgery chalazion. But it is important to mention that these complications are extremely rare and attributed to other underlying disorders.
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