An Approach To Chalazion Treatment Before Chalazion Surgery

An approach to treatment before surgery Chalazion Chalazion

A chalazion is a grain size of the tumor as expanding eyelid. In fact, chalazion (cyst of the eyelid) is a cyst (fluid-filled sac) of one of the tiny glands in the eyelids. These glands, called meibomian glands, serve the purpose of lubricating the margins of the eyelids, by producing a layer of tears.
Due to the acute or subacute inflammation of the eyelid, which may be due to a stye (in most cases chalazion can occur after a stye), duct obstruction Meibomian gland, occurs leading to the retention of tears and swelling of the lid.

Left Eyes

The size of the chalazion may vary form a small grain size of peanuts. Chronic chalazion tends to give a hard feeling because of induration of tissues. It can produce some effects of pressure on the lid.
The patient sees the chalazion at first red and swollen for a few days, but eventually will change to a painless slow growing mass, rounded at the top. The skin around this piece of firm rubber can move freely over the swelling.

Examine the eye doctor finds: a palpable nodule on the eyelid, usually painless, and nonfluctuant nonerythematous, inflammation of the conjunctiva (a common secondary finding), and the absence of any other intra-ocular pathology.

They chalazia have a tendency to be self-limited and can disappear without treatment. However, many cases require treatment. It is important to avoid squeezing or picking at the chalazion and practice good hygiene to avoid the spread of infection.

Before resorting to surgery chalazion treatment includes: watchful waiting, hot compress, apply warm cloth, medicines to relieve pain, acetaminophen, ibuprofen. A course of antibiotic drops may be prescribed. The eye drops are applied after a hot pack is placed in the eye to promote healing. Warm compresses can be applied for 5 to 10 minutes 3 or 4 times daily; Also, a gentle massage can help to express the glandular secretions; or surgical drainage (also a chalazion surgery procedure).

But with all these measures, the chalazion may go away after a month or more. In addition, occasionally it becomes infected and becomes swollen and painful.

The view is not affected. Rarely you can be expanded to the point that it can block a small part of his vision.
In addition, local injection of corticosteroids may be an option, an alternative to surgery chalazion. Intralesional therapy with corticosteroids chalazion studied in twelve adult patients with 17 chalazion. They were subjected to test intralesional injection of triamcinolone acetonide. Seven chalazion resolved within two weeks after a single injection, and six after two injections. Two lesions did not respond to two injections, and two lesions responded to a shot, but any other injury recurred or developed. Patients were satisfied with the procedure, which appears to be a safe, comfortable and effective alternative to surgery chalazion.
Another alternative to surgery chalazion can be homeopathy, which aims to successfully help get rid of this condition in most cases. There are many testimonials on the Internet that show that chalazion surgery can be avoided in some cases. There are also homeopathic methods to treat frequent tendency to get stye and chalazion.

If a chalazion does not go away by itself with all these measures after six weeks, you may need to be removed through surgery chalazion procedures under local anesthesia.
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