Causes of eye twitch

Causes of eye twitch

If you've ever asked the question "why my eye twitch" you're in the right place, and that is adjacent to the causes of involuntary eye movement.


To determine what causes the eyes of contraction is important to see what the eye actually means contraction.

Left eye twitch or tic in his right eye represents involuntary contractions of eye muscles (contraction). The dictionary definition of contraction is "an involuntary muscle movement or sudden spasmodic". This spontaneous contraction also occurs in other muscles of the body. The results of contraction of a muscle spasm (contraction or left eye right eye tic is the result of a muscle spasm of the eyelid) and many people may have this symptom periodically for a short period of time. This means that occasionally an eyelid collapsible random (eye muscle contraction or spasm) and this eye involuntary muscle contractions usually lasts less than a minute.

Left eye or right eye twitch contraction occurs in the muscles of the eyelids almost always. Mild eye muscle spasm is a common phenomenon. Although these involuntary muscle contractions are annoying, they are almost always temporary and completely harmless. Spasms of the lower eyelids not require treatment, and usually resolve spontaneously. So if sometimes spasm of the left eye or right eye twitches you should not worry. But if you still "why my eye twitch" wonders here are eye causes contraction: chronic eye irritation or focus problems can cause muscle spasms.

The deadline for muscle spasms in the eyelid (eye muscle contraction) is blepharospasm (a condition that most people think of as an eyelid twitch or tic). This is a common condition and usually reflects no serious underlying problem.

Other possible causes of involuntary eye movement (left or right) are stress and fatigue. If the eye is healthy this are the most likely causes of eye muscle contraction. In many cases, the cause of contraction is a simple eye muscle spasm, which occurs spontaneously without known cause.
In addition, other factors not related to the eye that can cause these muscle spasms.
If eye muscle contractions disappear spontaneously, simple measures such as cold packs or lubricating drops can help. Or you may be able to alleviate the contraction by gently massaging the affected eyelid.
Rarely, an eyelid contractions can be a symptom of a muscle or nerve disease, but in these cases usually is accompanied by other symptoms.

Due to involuntary muscle contractions of the eyes is the seventh cranial nerve dysfunction. It affects about 25,000 people in the US, usually 50-60 years, mostly women. This dysfunction can be caused by stress, bright lights and fatigue, so this are other causes of involuntary eye movement. Manifestates also dysfunction nerve through excessive blinking and light sensitivity. It is recommended to stop consuming caffeine, especially coffee, tea, chocolate or caffeinated sodas, stop smoking, because caffeine and snuff can also be the cause of eye spasms. Treatment for this condition includes magnesium, sunglasses, herbs, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture and other alternative treatments.

Therefore, the root cause of the involuntary eye movement seems sleeplessness, excessive caffeine or increased stress.

Finally, there is a benign condition, often familial, characterized by irregular twitching of groups of muscle fibers that give an appearance of ripple to the overlying skin, called myokymia or kymatism. The eyelids are very loose and responsive myokymia take more easily felt in other myokymia eyelid muscles. Myokymia causes involuntary eye movement has been attributed to caffeine, fatigue, stress and electrolyte imbalance but it happens without them, too. Myokymia cause is not yet known. Doctors suggest avoiding caffeine and stimulants, take calcium tonic drink water and eat bananas (rich in potassium).

It seems that droplets containing an antihistamine, as Vasocon Naphcon A or A, can stop the spasms eyes.
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