Lasik Eye Surgery Age

Age and LASIK Surgery

What are the age requirements for LASIK?
Millions of people have been opting for LASIK eye surgery to improve the overall safety and efficacy of vision. Although less than ideal candidates are between 18-21 years old, many parents do not know if it has the same effect on their children. Like many over 40-year-olds are curious about whether they are appropriate candidates, as they continue to age. When considering if LASIK is right, it is important to remember that every new generation must remain in their unique needs and issues when it comes to vision. The refractive index of a qualified eye surgeon in your area, you can answer any questions you may have and the age of LASIK eye surgery.

Chataract Surgery

Do children get LASIK?
Most surgeons perform LASIK is not recommended for children, except in extreme cases. Child eye is not fully developed until adulthood, or about 18 years of age in the eyes of a child, constantly adjusting and changing the shape of the cut situation is only a temporary improvement in their vision. Indeed, a child who has undergone LASIK corrective surgery will probably need along the way. In addition, surgery is usually performed in adult patients who are awake; restless children can become very dizzy to stay.
There is also little evidence that LASIK is a safe and effective procedure in children. Some surgeons may perform LASIK vision of young patients in extreme conditions, such as anisometropic amblyopia, or "lazy eye." Usually a lazy eye child has been prescribed glasses or contact lenses, or eye patch over the good eye to force stimulation and improve their poor vision in the eye. If conventional therapy is not effective, but some doctors give children through LASIK.

Can I get LASIK?
While LASIK is a safe and effective way to improve the appearance, the FDA has not approved order in less than 18 years, because their eyes are constantly changing, until about age. In some cases, human eyes are not fully developed until the age of 21 the teenager who undergoes Lasik surgery if his eyes are not fully developed in order to find the results are preliminary and may require corrective surgery in the future. Most doctors recommend prescription eye of the patient stable for at least two years before undergoing surgery. Like kids at a young age, surgery is not suitable for the very young, simply because that being treated - poor vision - is changing.

Are middle-aged patients too old?
Patients who have reached the age of 40 or to take into account that their views can influence the conditions that can be treated with LASIK surgery, such as presbyopia. Presbyopia occurs when the crystalline lens of the eye becomes less flexible, making it difficult to change the focus between near and far objects, and result in the need for reading glasses. This is a normal part of the aging process and the effects of these can grow over time.

LASIK surgery can affect the eyes, concentrating on the muscles, and therefore does not have the correct presbyopia. Since LASIK does not specify whether near or far vision, some patients with presbyopia choose instead of going monovision treatment. It involves surgically corrected with one eye to focus on near objects focus on distant objects correcting the other eye. The brain learns to adapt to the changing appearance over time. Patients considering monovision surgery, you should understand that they may still need glasses to optimal vision. They should also try to contact lenses or special glasses that simulate the postoperative results before treatment to make sure they can withstand the effects of irreversible surgery.
Presbyoptic patients who are not good candidates for LASIK monovision or no other treatment options. Intraocular lens (IOL) implantation involves removing the natural lens of the eye and new planting through a small incision in order to improve both the near and far. Another method, leading keratoplasty (CK) uses radio frequency waves to reshape the cornea, which allows for better visibility at close range. LASIK, monovision, IOL, and any other vision correction procedures should be discussed with your surgeon before you decide which one is right for you.

Will seniors be considered for LASIK?
Older patients, typically suffer from age-related conditions, which can not be treated by the LASIK surgery, such as cataract, and thus may not be good candidates for the procedure. Cataracts occur when the natural lens in the eye becomes clouded, resulting in blurred vision. This is one of the main causes of vision loss in the elderly. Patients with cataracts, cataract surgery should be considered pending in which the crystalline lens of the eye is replaced by an artificial lens. If the patient wants to do cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is to be addressed to ensure a clear vision. In most cases, however, is only significantly improves the appearance of the patient's cataract surgery alone.

Consult a Surgeon
You should talk to the surgeon, whether you're a good candidate for LASIK surgery. If you do not, your surgeon may discuss alternative treatments with you. DocShop directory contains a list of experienced LASIK surgeons in your area who can answer any questions you may have about the procedure.
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Albert Einstein, Medical blogger expert.
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