Corneal Dystrophy Map Dot Fingerprint Type

Corneal Dystrophy Type Point map Fingerprint

The map type fingerprint corneal dystrophy point was first described by Cogan et al. in 1964, it is therefore also called Cogan dystrophy. Other names for the map dystrophy type fingerprint points of the cornea are epithelial basement membrane dystrophy corneal epithelial maplike dystrophy, microcystic corneal dystrophy, microcystic corneal dystrophy epithelium, microscopic epithelial cystic dystrophy.

Cornea Eye

The map type fingerprint corneal dystrophy is a point anterior corneal dystrophy that affects both eyes. Although it is usually bilateral or unilateral it can also be very asymmetric in the presentation.

In the slit lamp examination Cogan et al. 1974 described in points (microcysts) in a type fingerprint map points corneal dystrophy. The disease is also characterized by map and geographic lines (as if looking down on earth and the haze seem continents on a map), fingerprint lines as epithelial gray, white gray, discreet but sometimes confluent areas (or microcysts ) generally measure 0.1 to 0.5 mm in diameter and located in the superficial portion of the cornea. This characteristic appearance on slit lamp gave corneal dystrophy map digital footprint point of his name.

It is by far the most common corneal dystrophy.

Findings in corneal dystrophy type fingerprint map points are variable and may change over time, but it seems that are not progressive.

Symptoms of corneal dystrophy type fingerprint map of points may include some visual complaints such as blurred vision, monocular diplopia or ghosting, glare, symptoms of pain, foreign body sensation and photophobia. In addition, patients with corneal dystrophy point map type fingerprint may have past history with recurrent corneal erosions eye.

But most patients with corneal dystrophy map type fingerprint points are asymptomatic and may never know they have a point map type fingerprint corneal dystrophy.

If treatment is needed, this will be addressed to control the pain caused by epithelial erosions. The treatment of corneal dystrophy type fingerprint map dotted includes eye drops and ointments to lubricate the eye and patch and immobilization of the eye. This therapeuthical measures erosions heal in about three days, but the pain may appear for several weeks after treatment.

Other treatment measures cornea dystrophy map type fingerprint points include previous corneal perforations to allow for better adhesion of the cells; corneal scraping to remove eroded areas of the cornea and allows regeneration of healthy epithelial tissue; and the use of excimer laser to remove surface irregularities.
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