

Glaucoma is an eye disease that has no warning signs, therefore, be called "the silent thief of sight". In glaucoma, ocular tension increases, and this pressure is accompanied by damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision.


Mainly, glaucoma is two main types: primary chronic open-angle glaucoma or glaucoma and acute angle-closure. Other types of glaucoma include congenital glaucoma, pigmentary glaucoma and secondary glaucoma.

Among the causes of glaucoma include age (70-80 years), medical conditions like diabetes, ethnic background (the condition is more common in African Americans) and family history.
It is important that glaucoma is discovered and treated early. The loss of peripheral vision is discovered through a test called visual field.

Treatment for any type of glaucoma is in reducing aqueous humor production, which increases the drainage of fluid or a combination of the two. But any treatment can not restore any vision already lost to glaucoma, it is why early diagnosis is essential.
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Albert Einstein, Medical blogger expert.
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